Saturday, September 5, 2009

Chat With Juliette Fay - September Meeting

How lucky are the Fa La La's? I am amazed every time we get to talk to an author. It is great to hear about their book and the characters from their perspective.

Talking with Juliette Fay was every bit as fun as her book. She had such an outgoing, bubbly personality and was full of information about her characters - her friends. I think it is so neat for her that her first novel was picked up by Target as one of their featured books of the year.

This is a book that everyone really enjoyed. One thing that is fun to me, is to talk about how each of us imagine the characters in our mind. Then it is fun to "cast" them as if there is a movie in the works. It was fun to hear who Juliette thought would play the characters. I think "Shelter Me" would make a great movie.

Juliette, we are all anxiously awaiting your next book. Thank you for taking time away from your family and busy schedule to visit with us.

Next month, we will be reading "While I'm Falling" by Laura Moriarty. Happy Reading!

1 comment:

carolynn said...

It was great getting Juliette's perspective on why she included certain things! So much fun to talk with her! Now when is Laura Moriarty calling in?? We have a reputation to uphold! :)